- テープ標題
- ABU 8-3
- テープ副標題
- インドネシア、日本、ラオス
- DAT番号
- 1512_3
- 曲・解説順番号
- 19
- 曲名
- 長持唄
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- ナガモチウタ
- 演奏者
- 歌:赤間政夫
- 演奏者よみ
- ウタ:アカママサオ
- 注記2
- 雑資料「ABU 10th ANNIVERSARY RECORDING[青色ボ-ルペンによる書込み付]」二枚目に「9. Japan (NHK)」「Nagamochi-uta」「2'40"」、雑資料「1973 年 ABU音楽祭出品曲目」一頁目に「1」「曲目:長持唄」「宮城県」「分・秒 / 計:2・40」「内容:婚礼の祝唄」「演唱者:赤間政夫さんその他」、三頁目に「73年 ABU音楽祭出品曲目解説」「~テーマ … 祝いの曲~」「テープ スピード 19cm / 秒」「No. 1」「長持唄 (NAGAMOCHI-UTA) 2'40"」「結婚のおこなわれる日、花嫁の家から衣裳や調度品を長持という長方形の木箱に入れて、これを婿の家へ運び込む道中で唄われた目出度い歌。唄い手には、近隣の若者から声自慢のものがえらばれた。現代のようにトラック運搬などのない時代は、これが一つの儀式として重んじられ、歌も生まれたのである。」「歌詞 ~ 今日は、日柄も良く、天気もよい。/両家の縁結びの日だ!! /蝶よ花よと大切に育てたわが娘よ/今日は他人の家の嫁にやらねばならないのか! (喜びのウラにある親子別れの悲しみをうたったもの)」、雑資料「Explanations on NHK'S Entries for the 9th ABU Radio Festival of Folk Music」二枚目に「1973 ABU Radio Festival of Folk Music」「List of NHK Entries」「2-3」「1. Nagamochi-uta」「2'40"」、三枚目に「(Tape 1)」「No.1 Nagamochi-uta」「2'40"」「On the day when wedding ceremonies were held in Japan in old times, rectangular-shaped wooden boxes called nagamochi filled with the bride's clothing and accessories were carried from her home to the bridegroom's. And during the procession of the carriers, this congratulatory song was sung. The singer was selected from among the young men in the neighborhood who were proud of their voice. In those days when there were no trucks or other modern transportation facilities, the procession like this was regarded as an important ceremony: hence the development of NAGAMOCHI-UTA and other congratulatory songs to go with it.」「The singer is Masao Akama.」「Lyric:It is an auspicious day and the weather is beautiful. Today is the wedding day for our two families!! But we have to say good-bye to our beloved daughter whom we have brought up with the tenderest care and who is now to belong to the other family. (The song thus sings of the bride's parents' sorrow of parting with their daughter while congratulating her for her happiness.)」と記載。レコード解説書五頁に「CONTENTS」「(Side 2)」「MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS」「3. Nagamochi-uta」「2'42"」、十一頁に「MUSIC FOR WEDDINGS」「3. Nagamochi-uta (Japan)」「2'42"」「On the day when a wedding ceremony was held in pre-modern Japan, wooden chests called nagamochi filled with the bride's clothes and accessories, were carried from her home to the bridegroom's. During the procession of the carriers, this congratulatory song was sung by a young man known for his fine voice in the neighbourhood. The singer of this recording is Mr. Masao Akama, with an accompaniment played on a shakuhachi or bamboo flute. 」「Lyrics: "It is an auspicious day and the weather is beautiful. Today is the wedding day for our two families. We have to say good-bye to our beloved daughter, whom we have brought up with the tenderest care but who will now belong to another family." 」と記載。
- 分類番号
- koizumi21_アイヌ、ニヴフ(ニヴヒ)
- 録音年
- 1973年