Lady Margaret

アメリカ '79
Ballads to Blues: Folk Music in America
Lady Margaret
Almeda Riddle
曲目解説1ページに「The first selection, a ballad entitled Lady Margaret, could be classified as a love song, although its premise is a rather morbid one. Its origins date back to the late 17th century in Britain. One version, called Fair Margaret and Sweet William was cataloged by Francis J. Child in his anthology of ballads. (Child Ballad #74.)」「The ballad tradition was imported to America by immigrants from the British Isles, and remained virtually intact until recent years, due to the relative inaccessibility of the mountainous regions in which these immigrants settled. The singer of this ballad, Almeda Riddle, is a native of the state of Arkansas. Born in 1898, she learned literally hundreds of ballads and folk songs at her father's knee, and is sought after today by folklorists and collectors because of her extensive repertoire of these songs. This recording of Lady Margaret was made in 1976 at the 14th Annual Arkansas Folk Festival.」「1)」「LADY MARGARET[下線付]」「Sung by Almeda Riddle」「Acapella--unaccompanied vocal」「(English transcription follows on page. 2)」と記載(「[Lady Margaretに]下線」「[premiseに]丸囲み[と]前提」「[morbidに]丸囲み[と]病的な」「[Fair Margaret and Sweet Williamに]下線」「[Francis J. Child in his anthology of balladsに]赤色下線」「[the British Islesに]赤色下線」「[Arkansasに]丸囲み」「[1898の98に]下線」「78才」「[1)に]二重赤丸印[と]矢印」「老女ソロ[赤字]」「無伴奏[赤字]」の書き込みあり)。2ページに「LADY MARGARET[下線付]」「Now what will we do, Lady Margaret, he said./ And it's what can we do, said she,/ For before tomorrow's sun goes down/ Lord William's new bride I will see,/ Lord William's new bride I'll see.」「Now she sat in her high hall window/ Just combing out her yellow hair,/ And along came William from the church nearby/ He was a-leading his bride so fair,/ Just a-leading his bride so fair.」「Now she threw down that ivory comb/ And back she tossed her hair,/ And down she fell from that high hall window/ And never more went there,/ She never more was seen there.」「Now the day is gone and the night's come on/ And the people lie asleep,/ Lady Margaret rose from her coffin cold/ And stood a-weepin' at William's bed feet,/ Just a-weepin' at William's bed feet.」「Now it's how do you like your bed making/ Tell me how do you like your sheets/ And it's how do you like that fair young bride/ There in your arms asleep,/ Lying there looking so sweet.」「Well, it's well that I like this bed making/ And it's well that I like my sheets/ But it's better I'd like my old true love/ Here in my arms asleep,/ And not a-weeping at my bed feet.」「What a dream, what an awful dream, he cried,/ I fear that means no good,/ For I dreamed this room was full of tears/ And my bride all drownded in blood,/ My new bride drownded in blood.」「And then he called down his waiting men/ By one, two, and three,/ Oh ask me leave of my new-made bride/ For Lady Margaret I must see,/ For Lady Margaret I must see.」、3ページに「LADY MARGARET[下線付]」「--Transcription continued.」「Well if you go back to Lady Margaret/ Oh what will become of me?/ Well, I won't be gone but an hour or two/ Until I return unto thee,/ And I will be true to thee.」「Oh, is she in her bowery room,/ Or is she out in the hall?/ Or is she in her chambery/ A lady among them all?/ Lady Margaret's the fairest of all.」「Oh no, she's not in her bowery room,/ And she's not in her hall,/ But she's in her coffin cold/ Out there in the main hall/ And her face is turned to the wall.」「Take off, take off that coffin lid/ Turn back that sheet so fine,/ Oh let me kiss Lady Margaret's lips,/ In life she often kissed mine,/ In life she often kissed mine.」「Then the father took off that coffin lid,/ And the brother turned back the sheet,/ Three times he kissed the death-cold lips/ Then fell dead at her feet,/ Fell dead right at her feet.」「Lady Margaret we buried in the old church yard/ Lord William was buried a-nigh her;/ From Margaret's heart sprang a red, red rose/ From William's grew a green briar,/ From William's grew a green briar.」「Well, they grew and they grew to the top of the wall/ When they could grow no higher,/ They fell down to the cold, cold ground/ And the rose still clung to the briar,/ And the rose embraced her briar.」「(duration--6:43[下線付])」と記載。