
?CCFAC/OC/3. Inaugural Address by Mrs. Imelda Romualdez Marcos. Firstlady of the Philippines, Founder and Chirman, Cultural Center of the Philippines. [Distributed in the Symposiumu on the role of cultural centers and festivals in the artistic exchange among Asian countries, October 29-31, 1973orgnised by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in cooperation with the Cultural Center of the Philippines and UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines.] 、?An end to exile by Inekda Romualdez Mrcos, October 29, 1973. [第二会議の自筆メモ]



A Symposium on the arts and culture of Southeast Asia, printed by National Media Production Center 1973[下記3会議のプログラムを収録]:?Roundtable on music research in Southeast Asia, October 26-28; ?Symposiumu on the role of cultural centers and festivals in the artistic exchange among Asian countries, October 29-31; ?Forum on the new education of the artsit Nov.1-3 1973。小泉が参加。表紙にFumio Koizumi, 第一会議の手書きメモ。他に副本1]



?外国旅費概算請求書(6枚)[小泉文夫のBaghdad International Music Conference 1975参加費用、 国際交流基金あて]、?海外渡航承諾書 1.渡航先 イラク・ラオス 2.目的バグダッドにおける音楽家会議出席及びラオスでの協議に参加するため 3.期間:1975(昭和50)年11月15日-12月1日、東京芸術大学長 福井直俊、?国際交流基金理事長 今日出海 当基金業務移植について[3枚]
