- テープ標題
- 80 インドネシア 5
- テープ副標題
- DAT番号
- 1452
- 曲・解説順番号
- 5
- 曲名
- 船漕ぎ歌
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- フナコギウタ
- 注記2
- 曲目解説3~4枚目に「IRIAN[下線付]」「The island of Irian, half of which belongs to Indonesia's territory and the other half to Papua New Guinea is the biggest among the islands in Indonesia. For the people there, who live in the coastal regions, rowing a boat is part of their daily activities since childhood. To break the monotony and to keep up their spirit, they would sing songs while rowing their boat. Following is a song which they usually sing, while rowing a boat:」「Miso mirareyo miso mamieyo / Rowirau mame rowirau / Payaiwonimbe wonimbae / Raikimi wiaro wiaro wiaro」「The wind is blowing to move / the boats of the sailors / slowly to the place of / destination.」「Yabe sora sorareyo / Makimi bino wenami bino / Auwoma auwoto kuri sora worareyo」「The hunting/catching lads are / rowing through Kuru Straits / located underneath the foot / of Mounts Makimi and Wenami.」「Jatato wireya wireya wisi naponio / Rumoru botenang yatato wireya / Wireya wisi naponio」「The paradise bird (Cendrawasih) / is flying towards the jungle/ and shady trees.」「Bemayano yano bemayano yano bemayano / Mindi turu-turu mandiro yafa bemayano / yano bemayano」「Row and row against the waves / and currents coming from the / front.」と記載(「⑤[矢印付]」「混」「合」「太鼓の伴奏」「メラネシア」「ポリネシア」「海[丸印付]」「舟漕ぎうた」「[The wind is blowing to move / the boats of the sailors / slowly to the place of / destination.に]下線」の書き込みあり)。
- 分類番号
- koizumi31_インドネシア
- 録音年
- 1980年