Suse, liebe Suse

ドイツ 78
Suse, liebe Suse
Suzie, Dear Suzie
Pf?lzer Weinkehlchen、指揮:Hans Moster
曲目解説pp.3,4に「The life of the child is above all a life of movement. Its whole being is permeated by this love of movement. Consequently rhythm is the innate gift of every healthy child. And the child only comprehends all rhythmic movement by studying the movements of its own body. For this quite natural reason most children's songs are basically playing and dancing songs in which marching, walking and runnning are expressed in the two part step rhythm. In accordance with a vital law, hopping and dancing are expressed in the triad - the chord of three notes. And of course the music of the child is inseparable from its language. Body movement and musical rhythm together with simple but pictorial language form a complete unit in the child's mind.」「The child's world is a microcosmos peculiar to itself. The child's songs and dances are a reflection of its own world of experience which is a world of fantasy and emotion forming a definite phase in the child's life right up to puberty when it begins to merge into adulthood. And although in the traditional world of rhyme hardly anything is to be found of the progress of our age in the field of technology and civilization, it does contain the things that are important to the child, things that it can grasp and understand. Animals and plants, wind and weather, the sky, the light of the sun and the night sky with the moon and the stars, the cycle of the seasons, the feast days - all of which are to be found in the songs of the children. Real children's rhymes and good children's songs are a precious popular heritage by which the child can also be taught to appreciate poetry. This, of course, is an educational requirement of which all teachers should be aware.」「We all love to recall the songs we sang as children. How we loved to sing together in a circle, how secure we felt, how we could all so easily join in the familiar games and sing the simple melodies which, in the course of the years, succeeded one another as if in accordance with some secret inevitable rules. None of us felt neglected - we were on our own because grown-ups were certainly not present.」「Even when one was alone the familiar and much-loved song books seemed to urge one again and again to sing. And one used to pass one's songs on to one's little brothers and sisters towards whom one wanted to act so tenderly. This need of tenderness is also reflected in the song about the little geese that rustle about in the straw and have no shoes. Incidentally this is one of the many songs that have become well known through the "Wunderhorn" collection mentioned earlier.」「4)」「"SUSE, LIEBE SUSE"[下線付]」「(Susie, dear Susie)」、p.7に「4)」「Volksweise」「Suse, liebe Suse[下線付]」「(Suzie, Dear Suzie)」「303 889」「Pfälzer Weinkehlchen, Ltg. Hans Moster」「1'05」「EA」「V: Man」と記載。