- テープ標題
- ドイツ 78
- DAT番号
- 1424
- 曲・解説順番号
- 2
- 曲名
- Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- エス・タンツトゥ・アイン・ビ・バ・ブッツェマン
- 曲名・解説タイトル:副題
- Butzemann's Dancing
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ:副題
- ブッツェマンズ・ダンシング
- 演奏者
- Pf?lzer Weinkehlchen、指揮:Hans Moster
- 演奏者よみ
- プフェルツァー・ヴァインケールヒェン、シキ:ハンス・モスター
- 注記2
- 曲目解説pp.1,2に「Most of the traditional children's songs were originally folksongs of the adults which were later incorporated in the child's world. It is particularly in fairy tales, children's rhymes and songs that much has been preserved of what human beings used to pass on by word of mouth before they were able to read and write. The old people used to tell the children the long since familiar stories and sing the traditional songs to them. In this way much of the original popular poetry was passed on and has remained alive in peoples' memories.」「When around the middle of the 19th century one started to collect children's rhymes - not only in Germany but in many other European countries as well - it caused quite a surprise when it was found that many of these rhymes in France, Norway, Ireland or Bohemia were almost identical to some of the newly discovered popular tales. Some striking similarities were also revealed with the sayings dating around 1200, from the ancient Icelandic Edda literature as well as with verses which the monks of St. Gallen had written as pen-and-ink excercises on scraps of parchment about the year 1000. And so in the course of the centuries some of the children's songs still being sung today have preserved the remains of heathen thought.」「Although with the spread of Christianity people began to have themselves christened and also learnt new prayers, the old living habits remained for a long time under the influence of heathen customs and ideas. However one should not be too hasty in attempting any mythological interpretation. But one thing is certain, namely that many an ancient tradition is revealed in the children's songs that have been handed down from generation to generation. And when we hear that jolly little song about the "Bibabutzeman" who dances around the house and shakes himself and shakes himself and throws his little bag behind him and who also has a "Bibabutze wife" and "Bibabutze child", we realize that by these little people the goblins are meant. It was the goblins, of course, who according to popular belief were the good spirits that brought wealth to the house. They were also known at times to get up to all kinds of practical jokes and to react with spiteful revenge to failure to make offerings - like the daily bowl of milk, for example, - and to insults. These goblins which are the descendants of the demons of nature are known in different parts of the country by a variety of names like "imps", "red caps", "elves" and as in the children's song we've been talking about "butz". The word "butz" means "gnome" in English. The figure of this little demon made its way to the children's song via folklore and became a song for dance and play. The leaps and bounds set to music in this little song are particularly evident by the fact that two tones are always sung on the same note one after the other.」「2)」「"ES TANZT EIN BI- BA- BUTZEMANN"」「(Butzemann's Dancing)」、p.7に「2)」「Volksweise」「Es tanzt ein Bi-Ba-Butzemann[下線付]」「(Butzemann's Dancing)」「303 885」「Pfälzer Weinkehlchen, Ltg. Hans Moster」「2'04」「EA」「V: Man」と記載(p.2に「[Although with the spread of Christianity people began to have themselves christened and also learnt new prayers, the old living habits remained for a long time under the influence of heathen customs and ideas. However one should not be too hasty in attempting any mythological interpretation. But one thing is certain, namely that many an ancient tradition is revelaed in the children's songs that have been handed down from generation to generation.に]囲い[と]キリスト教以前」「[goblinsに]妖怪」「[2)に]矢印[と]丸印」の書き込みあり)。
- 分類番号
- koizumi73_ドイツ、オランダ、スイス、オーストリア
- 録音年
- 1978年