Billy Shean

76 オーストラリア
鉄道の歌 Songs of the Australian Railways
Billy Shean
The Larrikins (Declan Affley, Jacko Kevans, Dave de Hugard, Bob McInnes, Cathie O’Sullivan & Warren Fahey)?
[「ABU関係資料 1976 アジア放送音楽祭(雑資料番号00279)」内の曲目リストと曲目解説「Songs of the Australian Railways」p.1,10に以下の記載あり:「Billy Shean」「TRAD」「2'20""」、曲目解説に「13.」「Billy Shean[下線付]」「2'20""」「A song about a railway driver, Billy Shean, by name. The 'Spirit of 'P''[下線付]」 refers to the train. The Spirit of Progress which was put into service in 1937 to cover the Victorian section of the Melbourne to Sydney run. In her day, she ran the fastest schedule of any Australian passenger train. 'C16'[下線付] is a type of locomotive and 'Strict QT'[下線付] refers to extreme secrecy. The collected tune is the ever popular 'Casey Jones' an American song from the railways.」「On the 401b rail steamed a C16/ Commanded by its driver Mister Billy Sheahan/ The GM gave him orders on the strict QT/ To run a faster schedule than the ""Spirit of P""/ Keep that regulator open make the black smoke roll/ Pile on all the floorboards if we run out of coal./ If we don't beat that wreck Billy said to his mate./ I'll just book in with Saint Peter at the Golden Gate.」「CHORUS [:] Billy Sheahan ran a faster schedule/ Billy Shean a mighty man was he/ Billy Sheanan, ran a faster schedule/ He ran a faster schedule than the ""Spirit of P""」「The fireman was a punting boy from Narrabeen/ He said I'll lay the odds against the C16/ Billy flashed a roll of notes that was a bare/ The boiler then exploded blew 'em both in the air./ Said Billy to his fireman as they left the wreck/ O I don't know where we're going but we're neck and neck/ The fireman then said, 'Billy' I'll tell you what to do/ I'll lay another fifty I'll go higher than you.」「CHORUS」「The wife of driver Sheahan was at home in bed/ When the railway wired that old Bill was dead/ She called her children to her, said listen honey lambs/ The next old man you get will be a guard in a van/ The Railways all in mourning now for Billy Sheahan/ No more you'll hear the puffing of his C16/ So scrape on all the locos both the goods and mails/ From Ingham to Mt. Isa down to New South Wales.」「CHORUS」]。 [キーワード]:Australiaオーストラリア、folk song民謡、独唱(男声)、button-key accordionボタン-キー・アコーディオン(free reedショウ類)、guitarギター(lutes ビワ類1ビワ)、fiddleフィドル(lutes ビワ類2ヴァイオリン)、合奏
[第12回ABU(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unionアジア・太平洋放送連合)放送音楽祭参加テープのダビング。]