I Came Over from Ireland

76 オーストラリア
鉄道の歌 Songs of the Australian Railways
I Came Over from Ireland
The Larrikins (Declan Affley, Jacko Kevans, Dave de Hugard, Bob McInnes, Cathie O’Sullivan & Warren Fahey)?
[「ABU関係資料 1976 アジア放送音楽祭(雑資料番号00279)」内の曲目リストと曲目解説「Songs of the Australian Railways」p.2に以下の記載あり:「I Came Over from Ireland」「TRAD」「2'40""」、曲目解説に「(3)」「I Came Over from Ireland[下線付]」「2'40""」「""I Came Over from Ireland"" belongs to a group of Australian folksongs that could be classified as navvy songs - these songs were very popular in the railway camps. Just as the navvies were always on the move likewise their songs reflect a humorous discontent, and an urge to be moving on. The navvies in this song were employed to build the railway tunnels and bridge.」「I came over from Ireland a short time ago,/ The work it was slack and the wages were low,/ And my heart was light and so were the jobs,/ I came over from Ireland in search of a job.// And I said to my two mates Cornelius and Burke,/ 'Twill be mighty hard luck if we can't get some work,/ And in finding a job I was never too slow,/ I'd been working for Mr. McShaddy and Co.// I'd been working for Mr. McShaddy and Co.,/ With the bricks and the mortar up the ladder I'd go,/ I can work like a lion and booze like a Turk,/ But the man on the top does the most of the work.// When I first came to Cooktown I went to a place,/ And the gaffer came out with a sour looking face,/ And he winked at me, blinked at me, then he did say,/ ""I'll start you with one pound a week as your pay.""// ""Give me one pound a week, and what do you mean,/ Because I'm from Ireland don't think that I'm green,/ Give me one pound a week - I'll have you to know,/ I got two pound a fortnight from McShaddy and Co.// I got two pound a fortnight from McShaddy and Co.,/ With the bricks and the mortar up the ladder I'd go,/ I can work like a lion and booze like a Turk,/ But the man on the top does the most of the work.」]。 [キーワード]:Australiaオーストラリア、folk song民謡、独唱(男声)、banjoバンジョー(spike lutes ビワ類3シャミセン)、fiddleフィドル(lutes ビワ類2ヴァイオリン)、合奏
[第12回ABU(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unionアジア・太平洋放送連合)放送音楽祭参加テープのダビング。]