Blood Red Roses

76 ニュージーランド
Blood Red Roses
Sealing Song
[「ABU関係資料 1976 アジア放送音楽祭(雑資料番号00279)」内の曲目解説「The Sea Folk」pp.1,11-2と台本「The Sea Folk」pp.7-8,10に以下の記載あり:「Track 8. Blood Red Roses (Sealing Song)」「TRACK 8 BLOOD RED ROSES DUR: 3'07""[下線付]」「Within thirty years from 1792 most of the seal population on the remote islands around New Zealand was wiped out. The New Zealand fur seal with its thick coat was especially prized. A sealing ship would anchor off the rocky coast of one of the southern islands, and the sealers would go ashore, and systematically cut their way through a seal colony. (The seals were usually clubbed to death to preserve their pelts.) The more seal skins they could gather the better because it might be years before they returned. In the rush for the maximum amount of seal skins young seals were slaughtered and the breeding grounds depleted. As it was, seals would never return to a breeding ground that hadn't been thoroughly cleansed after killing and skinning.」「Even today the fur bearing seals have not fully recovered from the wholesale slaughter of the early 1800's.」「""Come all you sealers and listen to me,/ A lovely song I'll sing to thee,/ It was in eighteen hundred and three,/ Come down you blood red roses, come down,/ That we set sail for the southern sea,/ Oh you pinks and posies come down/ You blood red roses come down.」「(Cont'd......」「Our Captain he has set us down/ Come down you blood red roses, come down,/ And he has sailed for Sydney town,/ Oh you pinks and posies come down,/ You blood red roses come down.// And he has left us with some grub,/ Come down you blood red roses, come down,/ Just watch them pee in a ten ton tub/ Oh you pinks and posies come down./ You blood red roses come down.// A bull seal he is bigger than a mouse,/ Come down you blood red roses, come down,/ But a sealer's life is lower than a louse,/ Oh you pinks and posies come down,/ You blood red roses come down.// And now we're all covered with fur,/ Come down you blood red roses, come down,/ We've grown us tails like Lucifer,/ Oh you pinks and posies come down/ You blood red roses come down.// And when our Captain comes to Hell,/ Come down you blood red roses come down,/ Why we will treat him for a spell,/ Oh you pinks and posies come down/ You blood red roses come down.""」、台本に「If whales were plentiful then so were seals for the sealskin coats so fashionable in Europe. The many small rocky islands around New Zealand abounded with seals and these were mercilessly slaughtered for their high quality pelts. In less than thirty years the entire seal population to the south of New Zealand was almost wiped out. In most cases the seals were [「ANNOUNCER: (CONT'D)[下線付]:」] clubbed to death and were either skinned on the beaches or on board the ship. It was a messy business with seal fur and blood coming down ""like blood red roses"".」「CONTROL: PLAY ""BLOOD RED ROSES"" TK 8 DUR: 3'07""」「MUSIC DETAILS[下線付]」「EUROPEAN MUSIC[下線付]」「Title[下線付]」「Blood Red Roses」「Composer[下線付]」「Trad.」「DURATION[下線付]」「3'07""」と記載(曲目解説p.1に「白人[赤字]」の書き込みあり)]。[キーワード]:New Zealandニュージーランド、合唱(男声)、guitarギター(lutes ビワ類1ビワ)、banjoバンジョー(spike lutes ビワ類3シャミセン)、合奏
[第12回ABU(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unionアジア・太平洋放送連合)放送音楽祭参加テープのダビング。]