- テープ標題
- 80 タイ 16
- テープ副標題
- 海の歌Fisherman's Love Songs
- DAT番号
- 1463
- 曲・解説順番号
- 4
- 曲名
- Talay Mai Koei Lap
- 曲名・解説タイトル:副題
- The Sleepless Sea
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ:副題
- ザ・スリープレス・シー
- 作曲者、作詞者
- 作詞:Charlee Intarawichit、編曲:Sa-ngar Arrumpee
- 演奏者
- The Impossibles
- 演奏者よみ
- ズィ・インポッシブルズ
- 注記2
- 曲目解説4~5枚目に「Anncr.[下線付]」「Our next number is "Talay Mai Koei Lap" or "The Sleepless Sea". It's sung by Seittha Siracharya; words by Charlee Intarawichit and harmony by Sa-ngar Arrumpee. Here's a translation of the song into English.」「The Sleepless Sea[下線付]」「Look at the sea / And see the waves / Kissing rocks / Sometimes it's so excited / And it kisses aggressively / And you can hear the rocks noisily respond / Why does the sea never sleep? / No-one knows / Sometimes it cries, I know / It keeps crying / The sea is like my soul / Needing love to hold onto / Look at the sea strangely change / First it cries, then it becomes joyous / Even when I'm sleeping, it wakes me / My heart strangely changes too / And I cannot sleep, / Especially when you are not / By my side.」「Music[下線付]」「"The Sleepless Sea"」「3'00"」と記載(「④」「3/4」の書き込みあり)。
- 分類番号
- koizumi33_タイ
- 録音年
- 1980年