Heut' geht es an Bord

80 ドイツ 3
水の歌German Folksongs about Water
Heut' geht es an Bord
M?nnergesangverein St. Bruder Klaus
曲目解説8~9枚目に「Anyone who attends one of today's numerous youth festivals in Germany, or who listens to the type of music broadcast on the radio, must come to the conclusion that folksongs are as popular and as much alive with the people as ever before. The folksong -- declared dead around ten years ago -- has come into its own once again, especially amongst young people. The lyrics may not be particularly suited to our thoroughly organised industrial landscape where no clean brook or deep village well can any longer be found. Nevertheless, the old, simple melodies have made a profound impression on the young people, who know that their own grandparents sang those very same songs. The folksong has experienced a comeback and the loud world of jazz and pop must now compete with it. Young folksingers who write their own lyrics are now attempting to create folksongs for our era. If their efforts are successful or not will only be shown in one or two generations, when such songs have finally been taken up by the people.」「We're going to close with a song of seafarers. Even today, people on land still tend to see the life of a sailor as surrounded by romance and adventure -- and this hasn't even been changed by the realisation that many of today's big ships are larger than the diameter of an entire village, and that the modern sailor works with machines and has no visions of either bogey-men or beautiful but dangerous mermaids. But nevertheless he does travel to exotic, far-off countries -- and wherever his travels take him, his mind is always on his beloved back at home.」「In the song, "Heut geht es an Bord", the sailor consoles himself with the words: "Fern der Heimat winket, Liebchens Äuglein blinket, Jahre kommen und gehn, ein frohes Wiedersehn" -- "Far away the homeland beckons, my darling's sweet eyes twinkle, years come and years go, but we'll meet again I know." In addition to the men's chorus, we'll also hear that typical seafarer's instrument, the accordion.」「8)」「Volksw.」「Heut' geht es an Bord[下線付]」「313 366」「2'30」「Ausf. Wie 3.」と記載。