- テープ標題
- 80 ドイツ 3
- テープ副標題
- 水の歌German Folksongs about Water
- DAT番号
- 1450
- 曲・解説順番号
- 5
- 曲名
- Das Lied vom Wasser und vom Wein
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- ダス・リート・フォム・ヴァッサー・ウント・フォム・ヴァイン
- 演奏者
- M?nnergesangverein St. Bruder Klaus
- 注記2
- 曲目解説5~6枚目に「Since we're still on the Rhine, where the fine wines grow, we mustn't forget include the dialogue -- or rather, the argument -- between wine and water. In the next folksong from the Rhine, the lyrics run, "The wine cannot stand the water, which is why they are always fighting." This refers to a suspicion as old as wine itself: that the vintner and the innkeeper help increase the quantity of wine by adding water to it. In the winedrinker's glass, the water and the wine cannot stand each other -- but in the vineyards, the grape can't survive without[下線] water! Consequently, in this folksong the argument ends on a conciliatory note, when the wine says to the water, "You of course are the master and I am but the servant. Had you not come, the sun would have dried me up."」「This song about water and wine -- "Das Lied vom Wasser und vom Wein" -- comes from the Rhine in the region of the town of Neuwied. Once again the men's chorus sings in unison with harmonica accompaniment.」「5)」「Volksw. aus Neuwied」「Das Lied vom Wasser und vom Wein[下線付]」「313 365」「2'00」「Ausf. wie 3」「That song, like many others, is no longer simply confined to one region: it is sung and listened to everywhere in Germany. The singers don't necessarily have to be Rhinelanders to enjoy this witty dialogue, based on a simple and understandable fact.」と記載。
- 分類番号
- koizumi73_ドイツ、オランダ、スイス、オーストリア
- 録音年
- 1980年