- テープ標題
- 77 オーストラリア 2
- DAT番号
- 1392
- 曲・解説順番号
- 2
- 曲名
- The Trumpet/Ned's Favourite
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- ザ・トランペット/ネッド'ズ・フェイバリット
- 注記2
- 注記2:曲目解説に「Item One:」「The Trumpet/Ned's Favourite[下線付]」「1'45"」「In Australia there are two folk cultures in co-existence. The music of the indigenous Aboriginal people and the musical traditions of the people who subsequently settled in the large Southern Continent. The fiddle tunes you heard heralding the opening of the programme came from the traditions of the Irish and British settlers who pioneered the Australian bush in the early 1800's.」「There are very few traditional festivals existing in the Australian traditions so we have included a representative collection of songs used in festive occasions - ranging from social gatherings or corroboree meetings of the black Australians to the songs used in the early days by the white Australians.」と記載(「[Item Oneの前に]三角印」「2/4」「Vn[囲い付]とギター、バンジョー伴奏」「[The fiddle tunesに]下線」「[Irish and Britishの下に]波線」「[festive occasionsに]下線」の書き込みあり)。
- 分類番号
- koizumi38_オーストラリア、ニュージーランド
- 録音年
- 1977年6月
- 注記1
- 14日収録。