- テープ標題
- 76 オーストラリア
- テープ副標題
- 鉄道の歌 Songs of the Australian Railways
- DAT番号
- 1390
- 曲・解説順番号
- 12
- 曲名
- The Sandy Hollow Line
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ
- ザ・サンディー・ホロウ・ライン
- 演奏者
- The Larrikins (Declan Affley, Jacko Kevans, Dave de Hugard, Bob McInnes, Cathie O’Sullivan & Warren Fahey)?
- 注記2
- [「ABU関係資料 1976 アジア放送音楽祭(雑資料番号00279)」内の曲目リストと曲目解説「Songs of the Australian Railways」p.1,8-9に以下の記載あり:「The Sandy Hollow Line」「TRAD」「4'30""」、曲目解説に「11.」「The Sandy Hollow Line[下線付]」「4'30""」「During a period of economic depression in the 1930's the government of New South Wales instigated work relief projects to ease unemployment. The Sandy Hollow railway line was cut through the North West of New South Wales in the blazing heat when the depression ended the railway was abandoned never to be completed.」「The sun was blazing in the sky and waves of shimmering heat/ Glared down on the railway cutting, we were half dead on our feet,/ And the ganger stood on the bank of the cut and snarled at the men below,/ ""You'd better keep them shovels full or all of you cows will go/ ""I never saw such a useless mob, you'd make a feller sick./ As shovel men you're hopeless and you're no good with the pick""./ There were men in the gang could belt him with a hand tied at the back/ But he had the power behind him and we daren't risk the sack.// So we took his insults in silence, for this was the period when/ We lived in the great depression and nothing was cheaper than men/ And we drove the shovels and swung the picks and cursed the choking dust;/ We'd wives and hungry kids to feed so toil in the heat we must.// And as the sun rose higher the heat grew more intense,/ And flies were in their millions, the air was thick and dense,/ We found it very hard to breathe, our lungs were hot and tight/ With the stink of sweating horses and fumes of gelignite.// But still the ganger drove us on, we couldn't take much more;/ We prayed for the day we'd get a chance to even up the score./ A man collapsed in the heat and dust, he was carried away to the side,/ It didn't seem to matter a damn if the poor chap lived or died.// ""He's only a loafer,"" the ganger said ""A lazy, useless cow./ I was going to sack him away, he's saved me the trouble now,""/ He had no thoughts of the hungry kids, no thought of a woman's tears/ As she struggled and fought to feed her brood all down the weary years.// But one of the government horses fell down and died in the dray,/ They hitched two horses to him and dragged his corpse away,/ The ganger was a worried man and he said with a heavy sigh;/ ""It's a bloody terrible thing to see a good horse die.""// ""You chaps get back to your work, don't stand loafing there,/ Get in and trim the batter down, I'll get the Engineer,""/ The Engineer came and looked around and said as he scratched his head;/ ""No horse could work in this dreadful heat or all of them will be dead.""// ""They're much too valuable to lose, they cost us quite a lot/ And I think it's a wicked shame to work them while it's hot,/ So we will take them to the creek and spell them in the shade,/ You men must all knock off at once. Of course you'll not be paid.""// And so we plodded to our camps and it seemed to our weary brains/ We were no better than convicts, though we didn't wear the chains,/ And in those drear depression days we were unwanted men;/ But we knew that when a war broke out we'd all be heroes then.// And we'd be handed a rifle and forced to fight for the swine/ Who tortured us and starved us on the Sandy Hollow Line.」]。[キーワード]:Australiaオーストラリア、folk song民謡、独唱(男声)
- 分類番号
- koizumi38_オーストラリア、ニュージーランド
- 録音年
- 1976
- 注記1
- [第12回ABU(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unionアジア・太平洋放送連合)放送音楽祭参加テープのダビング。]