- テープ標題
- 76 ニュージーランド
- DAT番号
- 1388
- 曲・解説順番号
- 04
- 曲名
- Paikea
- 曲名・解説タイトル:副題
- Haka
- 曲名・解説タイトルよみ:副題
- ハカ
- 演奏者
- unknown
- 演奏者よみ
- 不明
- 注記2
- [「ABU関係資料 1976 アジア放送音楽祭(雑資料番号00279)」内の曲目解説「The Sea Folk」pp.1,5と台本「The Sea Folk」pp.4-5,10に以下の記載あり:「Track 4. Paikea (Haka)」「TRACK 4 PAIKEA DUR: 1'40""[下線付]」「HAKA (MEN'S POSTURE DANCE)[下線付]」「The men stand in rows, stamp their feet in rhythm as they recount the legend the Maori hero who rode to and from New Zealand on the back of a whale. As they sing the men strike their chests and thighs. The whale's name was Paikea. The whale landed at Whangara, on the East Coast of the North Island.」「THE HAKA OPENS[下線付]:」「""Hark to the rumbling of the Maori people""; and goes on to commend the hero: ""Sir you are now the figurehead of our house"".」、台本に「One of the most expressive forms of group activity for the Maoris of the Great Migration was the fierce posture dance called the haka. With threatening gestures, clenched fists drumming against the chest, rolling eyes, and protruding tongues, the warriors would advance step by step to shouted challenges. This haka is called Paikea and is still used as a ceremonial tribute to Paikea, ancestor of the widespread Ngati Porou tribes of the East Coast of [ANNOUNCER (CONT'D)[下線付]:] the North Island. Paikea a magic whale is said to have journeyed to New Zealand from Hawaiiki bringing the heroic founder of the famous tribe.」「CONTROL: PLAY PAIKEA TK 4 DUR: 1'40""[下線付]」「ANNOUNCER:[下線付]」「Maori folklore abounds with travelling heroes both men and animal who by great feats of strength and warlike deeds became semidivine and were favoured of the Gods. The great Maori folk heroes by their courage and cunning acquired magical arts usually reserved for the Gods. By such arts the forces of nature, the birds, the trees, and all the animals of the forests and the seas could be persuaded to help man.」「MUSIC DETAILS[下線付]」「MAORI MUSIC[下線付]」「Title[下線付]」「Paikea (Haka)」「Composer[下線付]」「Trad.」「DURATION[下線付]」「1'40""」と記載(曲目解説p.1に「マオリ[赤字]」の書き込みあり)] 。[キーワード]:New Zealandニュージーランド、Maoriマオリ、hakaハカ、posture dance立踊り、foot stamping足踏み、body percussion、独唱(男声)、合唱(男声、斉唱)、交互唱、音頭一同形式
- 分類番号
- koizumi38_オーストラリア、ニュージーランド
- 録音年
- 1976
- 注記1
- [第12回ABU(Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Unionアジア・太平洋放送連合)放送音楽祭参加テープのダビング。]